Eleven-year-old Reuben Britten, who has autism, has battled an intense fear of water for years.

“Reuben has always had sensory issues, but his fear of water started at a young age,” explains his mother, Kimberley. “Water in his ears or around his nose caused him extreme anxiety, and his fear just snowballed from there.”

At seven, Reuben began swimming lessons at Haslemere Leisure Centre. With a lot of perseverance, dedicated instruction, and his family's support, he has finally beaten his lifelong phobia of water.

“I feel confident about swimming now and am always really excited to go,” said Reuben. “If I were to give words of encouragement to other children nervous to swim, I would say: keep trying and never stop.”

His mum added: “The staff made a huge difference in helping Reuben overcome his fears and have always been very supportive. Due to his fear, Reuben hasn’t always shown a positive attitude or a willingness to swim, however thanks to the staff at Haslemere, we’ve been able to keep trying and I think now we’ve cracked it!

Reuben’s newfound confidence also extends beyond the pool. Recently, he was invited to a water-based party, something unimaginable before his swimming journey began. “These classes have significantly improved his social life,” Kimberley adds. “I’m immensely proud of him.”

Ashley Miles, general manager at Haslemere Leisure Centre, feels Reuben’s journey is especially important right now during Drowning Prevention Week. Reuben shows how learning to swim is not only a lifesaving skill but can also increase confidence and improve mental and physical wellbeing.

Ashley said: “Seeing Reuben overcome his swimming fears whilst he has been with us has been nothing short of amazing. He is a strong, determined young man and has proven that anyone, no matter their age, background, or ability, can learn to swim.”