LITTLE Sailors’ daycare and nursery classes at the Royal Prep School ended the spring term in a blaze of colour and jubilance.

They started off events with a charming Easter bonnet parade. The parents were then invited back for an Easter wreath-making activity and an Easter egg hunt, where everyone got to meet a bunny rabbit and enjoy some chocolate.

Kerrie Daunter, head of the prep school, said: “Many children had helped their parents to make their fabulous headgear and parents and children should be very proud of their efforts. Well done to everyone who took part.”

The spring term at the Royal Prep School was brought to a close with a pre-prep Easter hat parade and Easter service.

Pupils had also enjoyed a day of egg-themed science, technology, engineering and mathematics challenges.

Each year group was set an egg-related challenge.

Reception decorated and rolled an egg, Year 1 made egg cups, while Year 2 designed and made a bunk bed for two eggs.

Year 3 made a car for their egg, while Year 4 made a boat to carry an egg across the school pond – with wind provided by a leaf blower.

Year 5’s eggs were dropped 15 metres from a crane and Year 6 were tasked with transporting their egg over a distance of 20 metres in any way they saw fit.

Mrs Daunter said: “The children outdid themselves, coming up with some truly amazing inventions to fulfil the brief.”