Grayswood couple Evelyn and Gwyn Phillips are celebrating 30 years of their AppArt exhibitions between April 5 and 20.
They began with an arts festival at King Edward’s School in Witley following an Arts for Everyone grant in 1994.
This year Prior’s Field School in Godalming will host an eclectic mix of artworks.
Sculptors include Denise Jaques, Juliet Scott, Jane Webley, Timothy Simmons, Alan Wallis and Mark Laird.
Farnham painter Richard Shenton has produced Estonian Sunset, a dramatic, extravagant, modernist sea shore.
There are works by Maggie Richmond, Shirley Watson, Julie Matthews, Marion Foster, Susie Lidstone, Hilary Dancer, Christopher Sercombe, Nick Hithersay, Ronnie Ireland and Toni Goffe, with a cat classic called Princess Snowy and her Human.
This free exhibition is open daily from 10am until 4pm.