The curtain is about to rise on a weekend of top-notch entertainment in Bordon as the Phoenix Arts Festival is about to begin.

The Alton Concert Orchestra will launch a programme of classical music and cultural activities in the town park with a Showtime! and Night at the Proms extravaganza.

Expect a score of classic TV, musical and soundtrack classics from Beauty and the Beast, The Sound of Music and Hamilton from 7.30pm on Saturday.

A host of Prom favourites will be belted out as the sun begins to set in a flag-waving finale to the evening.

Junk Jodie will tell seafaring stories during a series of craft workshops for children aged 3 to 9 on Sunday morning while Wanda Whale, Cathy Crab and their shoal of friends will give lessons in caring for our seas.

The Old Time Sailors will sail into port at 1pm to lead an afternoon of dancing and singing. Expect raucous renditions of 19th century pieces and lots of shanties, shandy swigging and singing.

For more details or tickets call Tel: 01420 472664 or visit