Waverley Borough Council (WBC) has decided an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is not required for a housing development in Farnham.

The proposal from CR Properties Limited was to build 170 houses in the Centrum Business Park on East Street. However, residents were worried that the number of houses with associated car parking and landscaping, would have a significant impact on the environment.

Cllr Catherine Powell said: “This is an allocated site in the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan and a Brownfield site in the town centre.

“But to me it is important that we avoid over development of this site and that the right infrastructure is also put in place.

“Sadly WBC officers made an officer decision that an EIA was not required. The officers report doesn't even mention let alone address the issues raised by myself and others.”

Several neighbour responses objected to the plan, citing traffic congestion, blocking existing views, flooding and sewage and the need for an EIA because of these issues.

According to a report about possible environmental effects, a consultant on behalf of the developer only believed an EIA was required if the site was considered sensitive to new development.

The site was approved for only 150 dwellings in the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Powell argued that an EIA is required for developments which exceed that number. 

In the screening report, it said no significant impacts in EIA terms are anticipated for the characteristics of the proposed scheme and for the sensitivity of the location.

The report stated: “The proposed development does/does not exceed the relevant thresholds stated in Schedule 2 of the EIA Regulations. 

“It is therefore recommended that the proposed scheme does not constitute EIA development.”

The full application has been submitted but has been changed to 162 dwellings with associated landscaping access and parking.