The Labour government has put vulnerable and elderly residents in Farnham & Bordon at risk with its “cruel” decision to cut support for 18,000 pensioners.

That’s the belief of Gregory Stafford MP as he joined his Conservative colleagues in the House of Commons to vote against plans to scrap winter fuel payments for millions of pensioners around the country.

Stafford also signed an Early Day Motion tabled by the Tories which committed the House to consider the annulation of the new policy, before it was voted down with a majority of 120.

The vote was brought to the House following pressure from the opposition benches after the Government initially said there would be no debate.

MPs from all parties have faced calls from their constituents in recent weeks to vote against the policy.

And although there was a rebellion – 53 Labour MPs abstained – the result means that most pensioners will lose the financial support come winter.

Mr Stafford said: “Labour’s damaging decision to scrap this scheme today highlights where the new Government’s priorities lie.

“The outcome of this policy is that over 18,000 residents in Farnham and Bordon will be cut from the scheme, leaving just over a thousand eligible claimants remaining in the whole constituency.

“I have been contacted by pensioners and their relatives who are now concerned for the winter ahead, especially following the news that the energy price cap will be increasing this October.

“In this uncertainty I will be contacting relevant charities, groups, and organisations in the coming months to offer my support as the local MP to see where I may help.”

Stafford previously called on constituents to sign the petition put forward by Age UK, calling on the Government to reverse its plan, with more than 500,000 putting their names down already.