Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne has spearheaded a national programme to ensure better support for menopausal women in police custody.

Last year, Sussex’s Independent Custody Visitor (ICV) scheme introduced a groundbreaking menopause referral pathway which will now be rolled out across England and Wales.

The pathway offers women over 40 in custody access to healthcare professionals to discuss menopausal symptoms and receive personalised care plans.

Bourne said: “We know that there are approximately 13 million peri- or post-menopausal women in the UK and, for many, the symptoms can be debilitating. When people are placed in custody, they are detainees not prisoners, and their human rights and dignity must be recognised and protected.”

Manager Claire Taylor of Sussex’s ICV Scheme said the initiative has had a big impact on standardising policies across forces, addressing vulnerabilities, and ensuring those in custody are treated humanely. The scheme marks a significant milestone in custodial care.