It was nothing but blue skies and sunshine for the 80th anniversary commemoration of D-Day in Haslemere.

The ceremony began with a proclamation by town crier Christian Ashdown, who the wrote the piece himself. Incredibly, his proclamation was chosen to be read out by town criers nationwide and internationally.

Christian has been Haslemere’s town crier since 2010, he is the chairman of the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers and formerly of the Household Cavalry.

People laying their wreaths and paying their respects
People laying their wreaths and paying their respects (Michelle Monaghan)

“Today, we commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, France,” said Christian. “We should all remember and never forget the selfless sacrifice and courage of all those involved. God Save the King!”

Mayor Oli Leach said a few words followed by a prayer and the laying of the wreaths. To end the ceremony, the Last Post and Reveille were played by the trumpeter and everyone payed their respects during the two-minute silence.