A Haslemere man has been awarded the Coronation Medal in recognition of his significant contributions to the coronation events of Their Majesties The King and The Queen Consort on May, 6 2023. 

Bryan Boese, a senior lawyer in the Government Legal Department, was instrumental in orchestrating the legal framework behind the historic event, ensuring every detail was meticulously planned and executed. 

Boese explained that the role of civil servants in arranging coronations is one of the most ancient functions in government. Boese and his colleagues worked for months, providing essential legal advice on everything from licensing agreements and the occupation of land in the Royal Parks to the intricate broadcasting rights that allowed millions to witness the event live.

The team had to consider various legal risks, which even included sword-carrying in Westminster Abbey. But one of the more unexpected challenges was the London Marathon, set to occur a few weeks before the coronation. 

“The marathon organisers had already agreed to occupy certain areas,” Boese said. “Yet, it was technically a construction site. We had to swiftly resolve who would act as the main contractor, but the London Marathon ultimately got access to the grandstand.”

The weather, always a wildcard in Britain, posed another concern, particularly for the Coronation Concert at Windsor Castle. Unfortunately sunny skies couldn’t be arranged by the team and Boese explained heavy rain threatened the stability of the grounds for scaffolding and staging. Thankfully the skies remained cooperative, and the concert went off without a hitch.