Haslemere’s Army cadets took part in a charity bag pack at the town’s Tesco superstore on Saturday in support of the Royal British Legion (RBL).
They were there for six hours and raised a whopping £889.68.
Some of the Tesco customers didn’t realise the RBL raise funds all year round, presuming they only come out in November for Remembrance.
However, they need money to support veterans 365 days of the year.
As part of the Army cadets’ syllabus, they have to partake in community engagement for each of their star levels. Volunteering locally can be part of this.
Haslemere’s detachment commander Sergeant Jo Lamb said: “Having been closed for two years because of Covid, it’s great to see the children back at the detachment and getting involved with their local community.
“We lost a lot of staff and children over the two-year period and the cadets have a lot of catching up to do, and this was a wonderful result for everyone.
“We have been growing steadily since our return but we need more adult volunteers.
“If you feel you could offer a couple of hours a week to help out, it would be greatly appreciated.”
Visit www.armycadets.com/county/Surrey-acf to volunteer.
Any children aged 12 or over who would like to see what the cadets do can register their interest at: www.armycadets.com/cadet-more-info/?unitId=1329