HASLEWEY Community Centre manager Kerry Morren-Jeffs is retiring after eight years in the role.
Kerry’s time at Haslewey has seen plenty of changes at the community centre.
“Haslewey was a very different place when I joined,” said Kerry. “The decor and furniture were rather tired looking and there were hardly any activities happening inside the centre.
“Things needed to change, so the first significant step was our incredible partnership with The Silk Road on Wey Hill and Red Rock Builders to upgrade Haslewey both inside and out. We went for a more intimate boutique look with sofas, smart dining furniture and muted colours – the complete opposite of the harsh formica and bright box lights.
“The change was truly amazing and the Haslewey interior still looks fantastic seven years on.”
A major change came in 2016, when the Haslewey trustees supported Kerry’s decision to take on ownership of the whole building.
The timing coincided with Haslewey taking on the Community Meals Service, inheriting some 60 volunteers to deliver nutritious, freshly cooked meals by chef Mark Montgomery into people’s homes.
“It was around this time that I had a lightbulb moment – the idea of a Post Office on site,” said Kerry.
“This was pivotal in bringing Haslewey to a more engaged, wider audience, showing visitors that we could become a centre for all ages and stages in life, not just the elderly.”
Post Office Counters agreed to the installation of a Post Office, but on the proviso Haslewey funded the counters, fixtures and fittings themselves.
Since the Post Office opened in March 2018, footfall has grown.
Haslewey now offers a wide range of activities, from Pilates, yoga and Silver Swans ballet to belly dancing, Zumba, tai chi, art club, choirs and bingo.
There is an on-site hair salon as well as a podiatrist and reflexology clinic.
Other services include Home-Start, 3 Counties Money Advice, the Hard of Hearing drop-in service and the new Talk to Me counselling service in partnership with the Rotary Club of Haslemere.
Haslewey has gained accredited referral status as a wellness centre – working alongside doctors and social prescribers – supporting more people to benefit from exercise, diet and nutrition guidance.
The Covid-19 pandemic has provided challenges, but Kerry said she is proud of how everyone at Haslewey rallied together.
She said: “The past two years have been very difficult because of Covid restrictions, but the staff have worked tirelessly to provide more than 70 community meals daily, with our wonderful volunteers delivering cooked meals to those housebound or in self-isolation. During these strange times I really did feel that the Haslewey team had become more like a family, looking out for one another and always going the extra mile to help anyone in need.
“I have enjoyed so many laughs over the years with the team – mad moments and memories that I will cherish.
“Particular highlights were dressing up as Land Girls to celebrate 100 years of the end of the Second World War and donning a pink wig and glam frock to ride in a classic car through Haslemere for the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations.
“It’s been an amazing eight years, supported by volunteers, trustees and staff.
“No day is ever the same, for which I am ever grateful. It is never dull or without purpose and I have memories to cherish. I will miss everyone very much.”
Kerry will be replaced by Alice Turner, who joins Haslewey from a community centre in Wimbledon.