The mayor of Waverley has condemned the “appalling attacks on Israel by Hamas”.

Councillor Penny Rivers (Lib Dem, Godalming North) said people across the borough have been “shocked and upset by the senseless loss of life” and added “our thoughts are with the innocent and vulnerable people caught up in these tragic events”.

Mayor of Waverley's full statement on Israel-Gaza conflict

Waverley Borough Council condemns the appalling attacks on Israel by Hamas. Residents across our borough have been shocked and upset by the senseless loss of life. Our thoughts are with the innocent and vulnerable people caught up in these tragic events.

We stand against all aggression and acts of terror, and we ask for calm and understanding at this time. We respect everyone - those of faith and those of none. Local government is based on the fundamental principle that communities are stronger when they support each other. 

We stand for justice and peace, shalom, salaam.

Antisemitic incidents in the UK have reportedly quadrupled since Hamas’ attack, according to a charity which helps Jewish people in the UK.

The Community Security Trust (CST) recorded 89 "anti-Jewish hate" incidents from October 7 to 10.

That marked a more than four-fold rise on the 21 antisemitic incidents recorded in the same period last year.

The CST says six of the 89 incidents recorded were assaults, three referred to damage to Jewish property and 66 were related to abusive behaviour, 22 of which happened online.

In examples of incidents given by the group:

  • A Jewish person walking to a synagogue in London on Sunday morning was called a "dirty Jew" by a stranger, who said "no wonder you're all getting raped"
  • Also in London, a car slowed down outside a synagogue before the occupants of the vehicle shouted "Kill Jews" and "Death to Israel" while waving a Palestinian flag

The CST said: "Make no mistake: these are anti-Jewish racist incidents and hate crimes in which Jewish people, property and institutions are singled out for hate, including death threats and abuse.

"In many cases, the perpetrators of these disgraceful incidents are using the symbols and language of pro-Palestinian politics as rhetorical weapons with which to threaten and abuse Jewish people."