A mile-long footpath criss-crossing Farnham Park from Nutshell Lane in Upper Hale to Bear Lane in central Farnham is to be repaired and restored – with works starting on June 5.
The works were agreed as part of Farnham’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) at the last Farnham Board meeting in March, and will be undertaken by Surrey County Council.
Works will start at the lower section of the park at the Bear lane entrance and work towards Upper Hale. The main diversion route will be along the park’s eastern and southern paths – but routes will also be cut into the grass around the closed sections.
Councillor Catherine Powell, county councillor for Farnham North, said: "The Farnham Park diagonal route from Nutshell Lane to Bear Lane is a highly-valued walking route connecting north Farnham with the town centre, which is now in a poor state of repair, particularly around the sink hole about halfway up where the path is slowly collapsing into the sink hole (as pictured above).

"This route is identified in the Farnham LCWIP and as recommended for approval by the Farnham Board in March as a high scoring walking corridor, so I am absolutely delighted that the Surrey Horizons Programme (Horizon – highway maintenance investment programme - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)) has prioritised the repair and restoration of the pedestrian route for this financial year and that work will be starting on June 5."
Cllr Powell said she has been working with council officers, the Farnham Park Ranger and a representative from the Friends of Farnham Park for the last few weeks on the project.
She did add, however, that the footpath will be maintained as a pedestrian route only – with future cycling routes through the path still under consideration.
Cllr Powell continued: "Feasible and fundable cycling routes between north and south Farnham will be looked at as part of the feasibility phase of the LCWIP with input from a range of stakeholders via the Farnham Active Travel Group."
For more information about the works in Farnham Park, see Farnham Park path in Farnham reconstruction works - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)