The fully trained pint-sized “petting pony” was more than happy to be made a fuss of by more than 30 young fans.
Caroline Seignot founded Grayswood-based Pony Pals and her team, which consists of Mr Cheddar, Super Noodles, a black and white miniature Shetland, and miniature donkey, Mr Kipling, are much in demand for the therapeutic visits they make to nursing and residential homes, children’s hospices, community centres and nursery schools.
Haslewey manager Kerry Morren-Jeffs said: “Mr Cheddar was amazing, I don’t know how he does it.
We divided the children into two groups and they all had great fun grooming him, and plaiting and decorating his mane.
“Caroline was incredibly good in the way she interacted with everyone there and got everyone involved.
“Mr Cheddar’s visit was the second to last of the weekly summer fun sessions we have held for the first time here during the school holidays and the response has been great.
“They have all been completely full.
“The main success was so staggering, that an event was held each week, which meant if families were away they could still come to some of them.
“We will definitely do the same again next year and we also plan to do something at half term time.
“We are very grateful to Anita Cumber from Haslemere Tesco. She has come to all our summer fun events and Tesco has provided all the free refreshments on offer.”