EIGHTY Woolmer Hill School pupils attended a workshop by The Oneira Trio, courtesy of HHH Concerts, for an hour-long concert featuring harp by Emily Harris – who has played for King Charles III – flute and viola.
Woolmer Hill created a concert venue in our school hall for a selection of Years 8 to 10 pupils. The concert lasted an hour and included a lively Q&A.
Head of music Tom Heatley said: “It was really inspiring. The students were thrilled – what a brilliant opportunity it was for them.”

Stephen Dennison, chairman of HHH Concerts, said he wanted to introduce pupils to music of the highest quality at a young age.
He added: “It was a joy to see the looks of concentration on the pupils’ faces as they listened to the musicians. The pupils’ questions after were curious and insightful. It was all the more special when three pupils were given the chance to conduct the trio.
"I would like to extend my gratitude to Cavatina Chamber Music Trust whose funding helped make this outreach concert happen.”
The next concert from HHH will be an evening recital at St Christopher’s Church on December 9 with prize-winning internationally renowned Sitkovetsky Trio.
The full programme from HHH Concerts is available to view via their website. Cavatina supports free concert places for HHH Concerts for those aged eight to 25.