They may be in different counties and districts, with very different histories, but Farnham and Bordon have more links than just the A325 – especially politically.

With the towns coming together with the creation of the new Farnham & Bordon Parliamentary Constituency, their grassroots parties have now joined forces in a bid to get better outcomes for residents from whoever becomes the area’s inaugural MP.

The Farnham Residents Group and the Whitehill & Bordon Community Party – groups which control their respective town councils and whose elected members sit on Surrey and Hampshire county councils – have united with a mandate to work together on areas of mutual interest across the new constituency.

Both parties were formed in similar circumstances as the FRG was borne out of the Brightwells development hullabaloo while the WBCP has fought for promises to be delivered during the ongoing regeneration of Whitehill & Bordon.

While the groups will remain neutral at the forthcoming General Election, they hope the prospective parliamentary candidates will confirm support for action in a range of areas affecting both towns. 

They would like their prospective MP to:

* Commit to work to resolve the GP and NHS dentistry recruitment crisis, to ensure our community hospitals, surgeries and any future Whitehill & Bordon Health Hub will be adequately staffed.

* Act as a link to central government to lobby for funding to support sustainable local public transport services, in particular supporting the aims of SCC and HCC to improve and deliver the 18 bus service between Farnham and Bordon.

* Promote genuinely affordable housing and social housing as part of any planning laws that would affect and influence local plans from Waverley and East Hampshire Councils.

*Protect Whitehill & Bordon and Farnham from inappropriate development, lobbying for planning laws to ensure the required infrastructure and facilities are provided, before planning permissions are granted.

*Be a strong voice in government against the unacceptable sewerage discharges into the River Wey, which are happening far too often. Both our groups are strongly against the disgraceful pollution of our rivers.

*Ensure the police have the resources to provide a visible presence that will keep our communities safe from all forms of anti-social behaviour.

Both groups also want to see increased levels of sporting and leisure provision for all age groups in their towns.

Andy Tree, WBCP leader, said it’s imperative that all the candidates explain their views and the policies of their party, so voters can make an informed choice on July 4.

He said: “Like us, the Farnham Residents Group are a strong voice for their town and we enjoyed discussing the areas of mutual interest and serving our residents. 

“We seek to work proactively and positively with our next MP but will never shy away from fighting your (residents) corner and holding them to account.”

George Murray, FRG leader said: “The Farnham Residents Group and Whitehill & Bordon Community Party have many mutual concerns for our communities and share the same core value of people before politics.”