A Labour parliamentary hopeful has accused a Tory administration of allowing a £3.8million training centre in Bordon to “wither and die”.

Alex Just believes Hampshire County Council could have done more to save the Future Skills Centre but twiddled its thumbs when the college got into difficulties.

The Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Farnham & Bordon has been looking into the decline of the centre, set to close this summer amid six-figure losses and dwindling student numbers.

Rising material costs, poor transportation links and a reduction in apprenticeship take-up from housebuilders around Whitehill & Bordon have also been cited. 

Mr Just feels the Conservative-run HCC should take some of the blame as they took no “practical steps” to ask any colleagues in Westminster for help when the training facility was on its knees.

He said: “Rather than allow the Skills Centre to wither and die, HCC could have approached central government for support. 

“But they simply declined to do so, even though the area’s lack of transport connections are well known.

He added: “The council's shocking neglect has let down our young people, the local economy and the construction industry which is crying out for skilled workers to build the thousands of new homes local people need.”

Alex has raised the issue with Seema Malhotra, the shadow skills minister, and has pledged to work with her to see what can be done to support and build a sustainable future for the Skills Centre, so that millions of pounds of public funds are not wasted.