Time is running out for schools around Farnham and Waverley to take advantage of a tree-mendous free scheme.

The Woodland Trust has offered schools, sports clubs and community groups the chance to plant a free tree and do their bit for the fight against climate change.

The group has sent out more than 9,000 saplings to addresses around Surrey since March and close to 49,000 around the south east.

Senior project lead Steve Shill said time is running out to get involved as interested parties have until August 26 to apply through www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/freetrees

He said: “Planting trees is such a simple action, but the collective impact can make a huge difference to people and the planet.

He added: “It’s a great way for schoolchildren and all sorts of community groups – from sports clubs to faith groups – to learn about the environment and do their bit.”

by Harley Wilkins