Petersfield Golf Club member Sarah Gibson has won one of the three coveted national places in the Women’s Race to Woodhall Spa golf competition to play in the international finale at the Penina Golf Resort in the Algarve.

Sarah with caddie, husband Simon, came third in the 57-strong ladies’ field in the final on Wednesday, August 14, at the National Golf Centre in Lincolnshire to clinch her place in Portugal.

She had qualified to enter the Race to Woodhall Spa by firstly having the best four scores in England Golf Medal women’s events at Petersfield Golf Club in 2023.

She then came fourth at the south area event at Bramshaw Manor Golf Club in May this year to qualify for the national final at Woodhall Spa last week.

Petersfield Golf Club member Sarah Gibson in action at Woodhall Spa
Petersfield Golf Club member Sarah Gibson in action at Woodhall Spa Petersfield Golf Club

England Golf paid for each competitor’s overnight stay, a round of golf on the world-famous Hotchkin Course and a presentation dinner.

Sarah said: “I still can’t quite believe it – I’m on cloud nine.

“The course has a lot of heather and 143 bunkers, some cavernous, but some wide fairways which played to my strength. Luckily the heather wasn’t too much of a problem as I had played a few times at Liphook Golf Club which also has a lot of heather.

“I thank Petersfield Golf Club for their amazing support and England Golf and Your Golf Travel who gave me this opportunity, and of course Simon who will caddie for me again in Portugal. I have played some courses abroad but never competitively. I can’t wait.”

Sarah, who lives in Lovedean, only took up golf three years ago after retirement from Estee Lauder – where she had worked her way up over 40 years to be project manager.

Petersfield Golf Club ladies’ captain Heidi Oliver said: “We are so proud of Sarah and we shall all be rooting for her in November and watching the live scoreboard online.”

Sarah is now on a handicap of 25 and has represented Petersfield Golf Club in many matches and competitions already and was fittingly Petersfield’s Lady Player of the Year in 2023.