Haslemere Border Athletics Club (HBAC) members have been busy competing in races across the south.

The end of May saw the high temperatures continue and for all runners taking part in the ever-popular Fox Trail Events their race was set to be hot.

The event offers athletes a choice of an ultra marathon, marathon, half marathon or a relay event, with the races starting at different points on the Fox Way but all finishing in Godalming.

Two HBAC ladies took on the half marathon, as both had recently recovered from illness and injury which had hampered their training. Philomel Bennett and Louise Bampton were seen off at the start line at West Clandon by Tom Bampton in their respective waves and headed off along what was a very pretty but demanding route of mixed terrain passing along Wonersh, Bramley, Whitmore Sandy trails, Blackheath Common and along the River Wey to Godalming.

They were cheered in by Tom, who had been joined by fellow HBAC runner Dean Kellaway – whose stepdaughter was also running. A delighted Philomel was the first of the duo home, finishing ninth lady overall and second V50 in 1:59.08. Louise completed her race in 2:59.43 and was 12th in her age group despite taking a tumble. Well done to both ladies who hopefully are both now back on track.

On June 3 a few runners headed for Beachy Head to take part in the annual South Downs Way 100-mile relay. For the ladies this meant meeting up at 3.30am for a 6am start at Beachy Head. The men had a later start time of 8am. The men’s A team finished in tenth place in a time of 12:17.36 and the ladies finished in 14:02.29.

A great team effort enjoyed by everyone, with all looking forward to June 2024 and another early start.

June 7 saw the start of the Yateley road race series of 10km races held on the first Wednesday of June, July and August. June’s race saw a team of eight runners take part.

Bringing the team home was Sheelagh Jones, who finished in 46.31 and secured first place in her age category.

Martin Wells finished in 50.07 and was second in his age group. Steve King finished in 53.22, Peter Surma crossed the line in 55.34, Peter Varnes finished in 56.07, Catriona Wells crossed the line in 1:00.00, Sarah Barnett finished in 1:04.15, Andrew Gregory crossed the line in 1:05.10 and Ann Varnes finished in 1:05.56. Everyone enjoyed the race, as well as refreshments and cakes afterwards.

Susie Cooper took on the Salisbury Plain marathon on June 10. Susie had only just recovered from the previous weekend’s South Downs Way relay, where she had run multiple sections of the 100-mile distance. The marathon starts and finishes at the Old Fowler Barracks in Ludgershall.

The route takes runners on to Salisbury Plain and delights runners with some outstanding trails and byways, as well as plenty of hills accumulating to 1,919ft. The challenge did not seem to deter Susie, as she ran a fantastic race to finish second lady overall in a superb time of 3:59.25 before heading off to a well-deserved seaside break in Devon.

The ever-popular Wisborough Green 10km was held on June 11, and Haslemere Border’s ladies were ready to hit the ground running at the start line. The route is a flat two-lap 5km course in the picturesque West Sussex village.

First home for the ladies was Sammy French, who finished in 57.30 and was seventh V50 lady. Gemma Reader finished in 1:14.39, Janet Govan crossed the line in 1:14.53 and Jennie Rayner finished in 1:14.53.

HBAC coach Sarah Barnett finished in 1:19.02 and paced her sister to a 10km personal best – well done Team Barnett!

Club member Stephen Sutton took on his first ultra at the 50km Weald Challenge.

The race started in the village of Chiddingly, just north of Eastbourne, and followed the long-distance paths of the Weald Way and Vanguard Way. All runners took in the picturesque and undulating route with rolling hills and spectacular views. Stephen was running well up until 30km, but with temperatures in the region of 29C he hit the wall and had to dig deep.

Stephen’s wife Ginny supported him at various points on the course – and Ginny’s support at 40km proved invaluable. Stephen pushed on to the 50km finish line in a time of 7:26.52 to finish 65th. Only 85 of the 135 starters managed to finish, which was further proof of Stephen’s sheer determination to finish and his tremendous achievement.

A number of runners took part in the Endure 24 race held in Wasing Park near Reading.

The event is held over 24 hours and involves a team of runners running against the clock to complete as many laps of the iconic course at Wasing Park as possible. The HBAC team of Tania Corrigan, Issy Peters, Sarah Hurford and Lari Williams completed 23 laps between them. With each lap being five miles that made a total of 115 miles.

For Issy Peters this was her third running event in three weeks following the Kempton Park marathon and the South Downs Way relay. Well done Issy and all of the ladies – a great effort. Time for some rest and to catch up on some sleep!

On a glorious evening on June 29, the club’s social summer pub runs continued at Churt. Three routes were on offer – a 7km run, a 9km run and a 4km walk.

All three groups made it to the top of the Jumps and the stunning viewpoint. Well-earned refreshments were had afterwards at the Bel and Dragon and time was made for a catch-up with friends.

A few days later the Elstead ‘marathon’ saw a number of club members take part in the popular, fun five-mile route.

Some excellent running saw Laurel Bray cross the line in 37.10 and finish third lady.

James Turner finished in fourth place in a time of 31.34, with Will Butcher close behind in sixth place in a time of 32.26.

Lawrie Baker finished in 37.29, Tania Corrigan crossed the line in 38.05, Tim Wishaw finished in 39.05 and Sarah Smith crossed the line in 39.23.

Philomel Bennett finished in 39.53, Charlotte Finden crossed the line in 44.10, Stephen Sutton finished in 44.34 and Katie Simmonds crossed the line in 45.22. Steve King finished in 47.32, Steve Pendergrass crossed the line in 47.55, Rita Smalley finished in 52.55 and Dave Bateman crossed the line in 53.10.

Tina Laing finished in 53.37, Karen Sinclair crossed the line in 56.07, Sarah Barnett finished in 57.49 and Janet Govan crossed the line in 59.06.

Annalisa Alexander finished in 59.45, Caroline Lawler crossed the line in 1:03.52, Dave Card finished in 1:06.03 and Suzy O’Rourke crossed the line in 1:07.42.

Cheryl Stafford-Jones finished in 1:07.42, Lorraine Herring crossed the line in 1:09.32 and Leone Maijer finished in 1:09.33. Well done everyone!

Ann Varnes and Philomel Bennett