Bramshott & Liphook Parish Council has ramped up its fight against speeding by installing six Auto Speedwatch cameras throughout Liphook. Initially funded by East Hampshire District Council for three cameras, the Parish Council have purchased three more to cover all major roads leading into the village.

The move comes in response to residents’ concerns about speeding traffic, backed by data collected by the Community Speedwatch team. For years, these dedicated volunteers have monitored roadside speeds, sending data to the police for further action. Now, with the new cameras in place, data collection has become faster and more efficient.

Speedwatch camera located at the corner of The Avenue and Headley Road
Speedwatch camera located at the corner of The Avenue and Headley Road (Judy Wales)

The Auto Speedwatch cameras automatically record vehicles exceeding the speed limit, and within just weeks of installation, each camera has clocked approximately 600 speed violations per week. All data is stored securely and can be reviewed remotely, making it easier to track speeding patterns and provide evidence to the authorities.

These cameras are not enforcement cameras – they cannot fine a speeding motorist. It's like having a CSW team at the roadside but for longer hours and without getting cold and hungry! The cameras identify habitual speeders so the police can prioritise against the worst drivers.

Police oversee Speedwatch operations and train local volunteers, deciding when and whom to prosecute based on the evidence collected. With other parishes across Hampshire following suit, these cameras are likely to become a common sight.

"The clear message from the statistics we have collected is that drivers need to slow down," said a Parish Council spokesperson. Both the Community Speedwatch team and the Parish Council are determined to make Liphook's roads safer for everyone.

With the surge in data, the Community Speedwatch team is now seeking more volunteers. If you’re interested in making a difference in your community, reach out to the Parish Council at [email protected] or call 01428 722988.