MY GOODNESS. Having masterminded the schemes, which have resulted in a pile of rubble on the Woolmead site and a looming financial disaster for all of us on the Brightwells site, the Farnham Conservatives want to have a go at experimenting with the town centre’s road system.
As someone who was a member of the East Street Action Group and close to the details of the Brightwells development over a number of years, I know there are no simple answers, especially to the road problems associated with the scheme.
These have long been regarded as one of the major obstacles to its implementation and success.
No-one has come up with a solution that would not present a major difficulty for parts of the town and for traffic, trade, residents and visitors alike.
The smiling face of Councillor Ramsdale under the headline in last week’s Herald ‘Shared space on trial’ filled me with dread.
I don’t really know much about shared space, but I do know Councillor Ramsdale and his tiny band of supporters are not the people to try it out for us.
Councillor Ramsdale asked for views and suggestions. My view is the Farnham Conservatives, with four council seats out of 39 in total at Farnham Town Council, Waverley Borough Council and Surrey County Council level, don’t seem to have got the message they are no longer in charge in Farnham.
My suggestion is they should leave this issue to the Farnham residents and Lib Dem councillors whom we elected to run the town for us.
* By Celia Sandars, Old Church Lane, Vicarage Hill, Farnham