A medal awarded to a heroic sapper who was buried alive in the trenches is expected to fetch up to £8,000 at John Nicholson’s auction.

In World War One, arguably the most perilous role in the trenches was that of the tunnellers – the sappers who literally undermined the enemy with explosives deep underground.

John Nicholson’s will offer a Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) awarded to one of these brave sappers – only 14 were issued – at its July 9 Militaria auction. The DCM is the second-highest medal any soldier can receive, surpassed only by the Victoria Cross.

Sapper George Ernest Willis, part of the 171st Tunnelling Company of the Royal Engineers, served on the Ypres Salient in early December 1915. He was involved in the strategic mining operations leading up to the Battle of Messines 18 months later.

As recorded in the London Gazette on January 22, 1916: “The Germans exploded a mine and wrecked the head of one of our galleries, burying Sapper Willis and another man. After two hours he was extricated, badly shaken and bruised, but after having his bruises dressed, he insisted on returning at once to work at the face of the gallery where he had just been buried.

“The position was critical and it was necessary to push forward the wrecked gallery in order to prevent the enemy from exploding a second mine. It was largely due to the splendid example of Sapper Willis that this was effected in time.”

Live bidding is available at www.johnnicholsons.com