Surrey residents will have the opportunity to voice their concerns and learn what the have been police are up to. 

Surrey Police’s Chief Constable Tim De Meyer and Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend will launch the Policing Your Community roadshow in Guildford on September 23.

The Commissioner and the Chief Constable will be joined at each event by the Borough Commander responsible for local policing in that area. Waverley’s event will take place on Wednesday, December 11 at Haslemere Museum. 

The in-person event will run from 6.30pm to 8pm, while the online event on January 13 will run between 6pm and 7.30pm. All are free to attend.

Hundreds of people attended last year’s events to ask questions and learn more about the policing operations taking place in their communities.

Lisa is also preparing to launch the public consultation for her Police and Crime Plan, which will help shape the future of Surrey policing. It will inform the priorities for Surrey Police over the next four years. 

Lisa, who was re-elected by Surrey residents earlier this year, said: “Listening to the views of local people is at the heart of my role, and strengthening the relationships between Surrey Police and residents is a key priority.

“The Force is now the biggest it has been in a generation, with more officers on the ground than ever before, and we want to continue to boost the service that residents receive.”

To attend the Waverley event, register at