An application to create a SANG (Site of Alternative Natural Greenspace) at Iron Hill near Hollycombe has caused an outcry from Liphook residents.

The application from Bloor Homes Ltd was submitted in relation to the existing proposal by the developer, to build 100 houses on the chicken farm at Chiltley Lane. Iron Hill is a forest located in West Sussex and residents question why there needs to be SANG when it’s already a thriving green space.

A spokesman for South-East Liphook Resident Group (SELReG) said: “The major snag with the SANG and there are several - is that it already exists! 

“Why do housing developers need to interfere with a perfectly wonderful, tranquil site bursting with wildlife for the sake of satisfying a planning requirement before new homes in the village can be built? 

“The creation of a SANG is supposedly to compensate for the destruction of another green space, in this case the chicken farm on Chiltley Lane. But as Iron Hill is already there, how can it be an alternative?” 

The application will include the creation of additional paths, fences, gates and the provision of litter bins and information boards. 

SELReG added that there are no improvements being made to the car park and that cars are the only way to access the site. Raising concerns about the danger of walking, due to the narrow road and lack of pathways.

SELReG represents more than 190 local residents and households, who are against substantial developments that will be detrimental to the interests of Liphook as a whole. 

The group is liaising with villagers as to the submission of comments. Details of the application can be found online at

The reference number is SDNP/24/01695/FUL and the closing date for comments is Thursday, June 13.