Petersfield Golf Club's club championships produced two first-time champions.

In atrocious weather conditions on the first day 113 men and 16 women battled together in the unseasonal wind and rain, with weather improving on the second day.

Lloyd Hughes won the men’s championship for the first time. Henry Holland was second and Matthew Petts was third.

Hughes (18), who had his stepdad Melvin Rose at his side as caddy during his final round, said: “I was delighted to win and have the honour of being called club champion. It meant so much to me and to my stepdad too, who has helped me so much.”

Marie Mclellan (left), Sandra Love, ladies' captain Heidi Oliver, Lesley Davies and Jennifer Neal
Marie Mclellan (left), Sandra Love, ladies' captain Heidi Oliver, Lesley Davies and Jennifer Neal Petersfield Golf Club

Hughes is flying off to the United States to further his academics and to push his progression in golf at the University of Iowa.

Petersfield club captain Simon Baigent said: “We wish Lloyd, who is our youngest-ever champion, all the best in the US and we’ll watch his progress with interest.”

Neal won the ladies’ championship salver for the first time after lying in fourth place after the first round. She continued to play steadily and was the only female player to break 100 on both days. Leslie Davies finished second and Marie Mclellan finished third.

Neal said: “Winning this year’s ladies’ championship is a huge honour and I’m so proud of this achievement. Well done to everyone involved, especially under such difficult conditions over the weekend.”

The final players come in on the 18th
The final players come in on the 18th Petersfield Golf Club

Petersfield Golf Club ladies’ captain Heidi Oliver said: “Jennifer’s second round was a dogged and amazing comeback and we’re all very pleased that she has won the salver for the first time.”

Andrew Lowther won the men’s championship handicap cup, with Craig Beer finishing second. Sandra Love won the ladies’ championship handicap cup, with Marie Mclellan finishing second.

Ladies captain Heidi Oliver (left), Pauline Smith and Jenny Milner-Smith
Ladies captain Heidi Oliver (left), Pauline Smith and Jenny Milner-Smith Petersfield Golf Club

Pauline Smith won the ladies’ championship 18-hole bowl for the third year running. Jenny Milner-Smith was second and Lesley Eaton was third.

Club captain Simon Baigent (left), Lloyd Hughes, Jennifer Neal and ladies' captain Heidi Oliver
Club captain Simon Baigent (left), Lloyd Hughes, Jennifer Neal and ladies' captain Heidi Oliver Petersfield Golf Club